speculum rotarius (electronic ghosts) (2010)

Room installation for two rotating warped mirrors, two loudspeakers, computer, software EVP maker.

The installation uses modern methods of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) researchers, specifically the “Speech Synthesis Method”, such as that developed by German EVP researcher and software designer Stefan Bion. In this method, the spiritual entity is given auditive “aids” of raw audio material such as cut-up speech (circa 10-45ms in length), which by using the software EVP maker are played back using a pseudo-random number generator. According to the theory, by influencing this random principle, the entity can subsequently form words with which to communicate with living beings.

By engaging with this phenomenon and its philosophies and theories as well as its criticisms and so-called “rational explanations“ the installation functions on two levels: on one level the basic framework exists for a two-way communication with the ghost of Michael Jackson based on the beliefs of EVP and using the software EVPmaker, on another level for sceptics of EVP, an experiment in the psychology of auditive perceptions can be observed, where visitors can listen to the cut-up segments of speech and attempt or resist the formation of words, as outlined in Joe Banks‘ theory of “Rorschach Audio“ and Diana Deutsch‘s “Auditory Illusions“.

Exhibited at “It Is Only a State of Mind,” (NGBK) Berlin (March 2013); Addicted To Random Festival, Händelmuseum, Halle (June 2013); (solo exhibition) at Im Namen des Raumes, Berlin (June 2010); Hzchen, Berg 26, Berlin (March 2010).